
74th year of Indonesian Independence Day at Majubersama

Balaraja - Tangerang, 21 August, 2019

PT Prakarsalanggeng Majubersama-Energy (MB Energy) held a competition to enliven the 74th year of Indonesian Independence Day, at the Office & Workshop of PT Prakarsalanggeng Majubersama-Energy (MB Energy), Balaraja, starting from 5-16 August , 2019.

To enliven the 74th year of Indonesian Independence Day, the committee organized a number of games and competitions such as Ping-pong, Futsal, Chess, Eat Crackers, Tug of War, Tug nails in Bottle, and bring marbles with spoon and many more.

MB Energy employees cohesively take a part in competitions that are held every day starting at 16.00 WIB. In addition to office employees, this event was also attended by employees who worked in the workshop. The purpose of this competition beside to enlivening Indonesia's Independence Day is to relax for a moment and enjoy the 74th year of Indonesian Independence Day and to increase the close kinship of all Majubersama employees both working in offices and in workshops.

Following the documentation of the 74th year of Indonesian Independence Day

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